
A critical way to help this campaign is to contribute financially. There are different ways you can make a donation: 

We are pleased to accept e-transfers from Canadian bank accounts (Interac) payable to "Turtle Island Humanitarian Aid" and sent to: (we do not require a security password but if your financial institution does, just let us know in a separate message). 
Like many of our sister organizations, we would prefer to move away from dependence on PayPal for online donations, andhope to announce other electronic payment methods soon. Please e-mail us if you have questions about this:

You can also donate by cheque or money order. Make out cheque or money order to: Turtle Island Humanitarian Aid. If you cannot give it directly to one of our organizers, you can be sent it by mail to:

Canadian Boat to Gaza
PO Box 1950, London Stn. B
London, Ontario N6A 5J4

 You can donate online using a major credit card or a PayPal account:

(Trouble donating by PayPal? See Notes* below. What is Turtle Island Humanitarian Aid? See info** below.)

* Notes on donating by PayPal: the settings on PayPal will start with "Canada" as country and require "Province", but  you can change these default settings by following these steps:

1. Set an amount on the PayPal screen.
2.  Select a different country.
3. Wait while PayPal resets and offers the appropriate options: "State" (and Zipcode) for the U.S., "County" (and Postcode) for the U.K. etc.
4. Proceed to fill in the rest of your form, and press "Review donation and continue". Thank you for your patience and your support!
 **InfoOnline donations and donations mailed to Canada go through Turtle Island Humanitarian Aid, which is a Canadian-registered non-for-profit organization. This organization is set up for the purpose of facilitating the fundraising efforts to sustain Gaza projects: the Canadian Boat to Gaza, Freedom Waves to Gaza, Gaza's Ark,  and other Freedom Flotilla Coalition projects or missions.

Please let us know if you want to help with fundraising for our work. We will be happy to provide support.
E-mail us:

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Break the Siege of Gaza