Update Day 6: Zaytouna-Oliva Sailing Peacefully Towards Palestine

picture-aboard-z-o-1-october-1125x480Mediterranean Sea, International Waters, North West of Palestine. Zaytouna-Oliva is continuing as planned on her route to Gaza, Palestine, where our sisters and brothers are preparing for her arrival.

Participants aboard the boat are busy conducting interviews with media outlets to further increase awareness of their trip and the illegal blockade. According to Mairead Maguire, who was awarded the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize: “We sail to Gaza, a 7-day, l,000 mile journey, because our love for all the suffering children is as deep as the Mediterranean Sea on which we sail … As in Gaza, so too around our world millions of children are suffering because of government policies of militarism and war and violence of armed struggles, etc. and this cycle of escalating violence must be broken, lest it spin out of control and cause final disaster for the human family… it is not too late, we can turn around from war to peace, from foes to friendship, from hate to forgiveness and love, it is a choice. We are powerful each in our own way. We can, when we believe passionately in love, change to a non-killing, non-violent world.

Why do I believe such a world is possible? Because on this little boat, rocking gently under the sails, I feel loved and can only be in awe of the beauty of nature, and the magnificence and beauty of the human spirit in the women, with whom I can say, show love in their eyes and actions…”

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